2021.04 第2回 堂島こどもアワード
第2回 堂島こどもアワード
前回同様、真剣に審査してくださる経験豊かな審査員、千住 博氏、高橋明也氏、山下裕二氏にお力添えいただくことができました。こどもたちの絵は前回以上に夢と希望に溢れていて、国内外から応募数700点以上が集まりました。
2nd Dojima Children’s Award
August 10-23, 2020
Due to the influence of the new coronavirus, there was concern about whether or not to hold the second event this time. But in order to shine a light on art together with children, it was decided to go forward.
As in the previous year, we were able to receive the help of the experienced judges, Mr. Hiroshi Senju; Mr. Akiya Takahashi; and Mr. Yuji Yamashita, who carefully judged the entries. The children’s paintings are even more full of hopes and dreams than the last time, and more than 700 entries have been received from Japan and overseas.